Voice of Responsible Citizen

आवाज: जिम्मेवार नागरिकको:: 🙏🏻“समृद्ध नेपालको अबको आधार : कृषि,जलस्रोत‌ र पर्यटन”🙏🏻 “केही गर्न चाहनेले देश बनाउँन नलागौं, केवल आफू बनौँ ,देश त आफै बन्नेछ”

Great Problem Ever

 Cockroach in the Kathmandu Valley

This problem really hits me hard recently. Specially students from outside the valley are continuousely facing the problem from the beginning of the residential trends in kathmandu. Once in 2, 3 years, there is epidemic of cockroach, bed bug and other small bug in every room rented.

I wonder from where these insects, bug and moths are kept coming once in a while even after the total cleaning and killing. Regarding mosquitos, cockroaches and bed bug, many companies are manufacturing various types of, let's say drugs or medicine and are making huge amount of sales and profit in national and international levels. I think these companies are keeping us in confusion or in blind belief that these medicines are killing the intended enemy but no. In reality, these bugs are kept growing powerful and more powerful and the business is also going up and up.

In our home in western terai, we face the problem of mosquito, mouse, earthworm, snake but in the capital city, the problem seems quite small but its consequences is very big. Students are not able to sleep properly in night due to the crawling noise of cockroach, and there night walk on our body. Some of them might get kiss from cockroach which is truly hurting. We can be safe from mosquitoes by using net but not from coakroach and bed bugs because they are by default inserted in bed, under bed sheet and corner of bed.

I am really worried about my sleep order due to this problem. Many of us are unknowingly affected psychologically, physically and mentally. The great unstability on politics is roaming around us that will push the nation in grave danger but sideways each individual living in rented room is also facing grave problem that need to be solved.

Of course, sanitation, cleanliness, daily sweeping, and cloths management are pre-conditions to this problem solving or tools to create barriers for this problem to emerge. And if it emerge, it will be very difficult to manage.

-July 4, 2024

-Capital city of Nepal

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