*** Visible only in Pc
–nIdL k|;fb b]jsf]6f
ljpFemL /f]bgdf slnnf]
dw'/f] piffsf] df]xgLdf .
a+};–j;Gt ljxf/ / ;kgf
s';'dfs/sf] Wjlgdf ..
k|]d rsf]/, h'g]nL hfb",
z/fj gzfdf, rds gh/df .
;'Gb/df ;j, ljzfn ljnf;L
;'vdf, sf]dn :kGbgdf ..
gj gj emNsf, b]z lj/fgf
clenfiffsf pRr p8fg .
cf}kGofl;s /Ë / nx/L
xn'sf d'6'sf] xn'sf ufg ..
sd{ If]qsf] hf]z gjLg
j:t'x¿sf] hf]v / tf}n .
ko/ b'j}sf] e/df lge{/
rf}8f hut :jtGq df]n ..
/Ë p8]sf] s6'tf, kmf];|f
cfzfx¿sf] 5f/f] rf]/ .
lrGtf, zf]s, ljof]u j9]sf
gx'Fbf] lz/df ts{ c3f]/ ..
l;h{gfsf] hfn ljnf;L
cfkm}+ h]nL cfkm}+ xf/ ..
km'Nbf] lz/df lxpFb t'iff/f]
lyrL/x]sf] huJojxf/ ..
a9\bf] r]t cs]nfkgsf]
ljl;{;s]sf ;kgf ;fh .
pbf;kgfsf 5fgf ge g}
zf]s, ljiffb, lj/fgf cfjfh ..
hkdfnfsf] cflv/ e/df
w/d/ ko/ h/fsf] sDkg .
cfF;'e/L gh/ lgdLng
ljlrq g} 5;\ x] hLjg Û
This is one of the great poems to me from the collection of Vikhari Kavita Sangraha by our Mahakavi Laxmi Prasad Devkota. You can find this poem recited in YouTube channel @bhpach as well as in podcast named Speaking BhpAch.
Youtube Link: Jeevan Poem in Youtube
Podcast Link: Me on Podcast