Voice of Responsible Citizen

आवाज: जिम्मेवार नागरिकको:: 🙏🏻“समृद्ध नेपालको अबको आधार : कृषि,जलस्रोत‌ र पर्यटन”🙏🏻 “केही गर्न चाहनेले देश बनाउँन नलागौं, केवल आफू बनौँ ,देश त आफै बन्नेछ”

Where The Rainbow 🌈 Ends

 Where The Rainbow 🌈 Ends

-Richard Rime

Where the rainbow ends

There's going to be place, brother,

Where the worlds can sing all sort of songs

And we're going to sing together, brother,

You and I, though you are white and I'm not .

It's going to be sad song brother,

Because we don't know the tune,

And it's a difficult tune to learn.

But we can learn, brother, you and I.

There's no such tune as black tune.

There's no such tune as white tune.

There's only music, brother,

And it's music we're going to sing

Where the rainbow ends .

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