Voice of Responsible Citizen

आवाज: जिम्मेवार नागरिकको:: 🙏🏻“समृद्ध नेपालको अबको आधार : कृषि,जलस्रोत‌ र पर्यटन”🙏🏻 “केही गर्न चाहनेले देश बनाउँन नलागौं, केवल आफू बनौँ ,देश त आफै बन्नेछ”

On the Vanity of Earthly Greateness

 On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness

- Arthur Guiterman

The tusks that clashed in mighty brawls

of mastodons, are billiard balls.

The sword of Charle magne the just

Is ferric oxide, known as rust.

The grizzly bear whose potent hug

Was feared by all, is now a rug.

Great caesar's bust is on the shelf

And I don't feel so well myself .

Tusk : Teeth of elephant  Brawls : Fight  

Mastodons : Extinct mammals resembling the elephant

Charlemagne : Conqueror, emperor of Roman

Potent : Powerfull  Vanity : Powerless, energyless

[ Every achievement is temporary , The power of past are powerless, now in present. ]

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