Voice of Responsible Citizen

आवाज: जिम्मेवार नागरिकको:: 🙏🏻“समृद्ध नेपालको अबको आधार : कृषि,जलस्रोत‌ र पर्यटन”🙏🏻 “केही गर्न चाहनेले देश बनाउँन नलागौं, केवल आफू बनौँ ,देश त आफै बन्नेछ”

a very morning tale

Morning, favourite time for few of us to wake up, favourite time for most of us to sleep more and more. One bitter truth about most of us is that we may have not seen the sun in the morning for a long time which I also realise today, now.

Philosophy and ethics & moral studies are things that sounds good and heavenly only while reading or saying to someone but there is no significance of philosophy tale either for listener and talker if there is no any implementation of any of these talks in daily life. In this context, i remember one quote from anonymus that goes as:

The sexiest word in english language is IMPLEMENTATION. 

The humorous thing is that after all this I am talking about philosophy to back up philosophy, to criticise philosophy. But I think its not abnormal because in our nature we like to talk about philosophy unknowingly. 

Yes, I was talking about morning. 

5 : 00 at least

in the morning,

sanitation of room,





writings and reading 

and I will get 

'Wow' morning.

And another thing that I need to do is consistent implementation. Once I heard from Swami Bikasananda that suceess is the result of continuous implementation of something that we really need to do, something that makes us smiling. I know what makes me happy. And yet, I am here with no consistency. Chain breaks sometime due to short term happiness giving factors. But now I am aware about my condition ( I think this is the condition of many of us ), I accept the reality and I let go the resistance that keeps me thinking I am not doing any thing wrong, I break chains due the other external things but I am not responsible for this, but now I am well Aware, I Acceppt, I will Try harder to keep the chain unbreak I get this feelings after chapter 8,9,10 of Unconditional BLISS by Howard Raphael. 

So, Lets try to see beautiful sunrise every morning that may change every dimension of our life, who knows. 

Don't Belive, Try and See.

-Swami Bikasananda 

Okay then, let go the resistance people, accept whatever happens in life, try harder with consistency.

So we will see what happens after 1 month.

Deal ? 

Okay! Deal.

Namaskar !!!


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