Voice of Responsible Citizen

आवाज: जिम्मेवार नागरिकको:: 🙏🏻“समृद्ध नेपालको अबको आधार : कृषि,जलस्रोत‌ र पर्यटन”🙏🏻 “केही गर्न चाहनेले देश बनाउँन नलागौं, केवल आफू बनौँ ,देश त आफै बन्नेछ”

Who are you, little i? By E. E. Cummings

Who are you, little i?
–E. E. Cummings

(E(dward) E(stlin) Cummings (1894-1962), often styled as e e cummings, was an American poet, painter, essayist, novelist, and playwright. He wrote approximately 2,900 poems, two autobiographical novels, four plays, and several essays, as well as numerous drawings and paintings.
He developed the style of poetry writing for which he became renowned, with its unconventional use of capitalization, punctuation, spacing, and structure. He is regarded as an eminent voice of the 20th century English literature.
Cummings’ poem 'who are you, little i' describes a child looking out a window at the end of the day. It is about nature and the effect it has on the speaker. The speaker of the poem is the person “voicing” the words, recalling a childhood moment closely connected with nature. Perhaps the speaker is Cummings.)

who are you, little i
(five or six years old)
peering from some high
window; at the gold
of November sunset
(and feeling: that if day
has to become night
this is a beautiful way)

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